“Each person should do [give] as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.”

— 2 Corinthians 9:7 (CSB)

It is the Lord who provides for us in ways we cannot comprehend. Therefore, at Compassion we give from a heart that says “Thank You” to God. It is a response to God’s grace. Your generous gift goes towards growing people to be passionate for God and compassionate towards people. It is through your giving that we are able to support new churches and ministry organizations that aim to do the same in their own way.

Give a gift through our secure system by clicking the “Give Now” button above.
You can set up reoccurring payments using our Tithe.ly giving platform.

Other Ways to Give


Text 833-701-0295 with the keyword “GIVE” to receive a link to connect your credit or debit card to tithe.ly


Send via Zelle to finance@compassionbaptist.org


Mail a check to the church office: 2650 E. 95th St.
Chicago, IL 60617




Give cash or a check during a weekend service.

Compassion Baptist Church thanks you for your generosity!!